
Bringing Communities Together: The Life of an RA During a Pandemic

-I did a lot of thinking about interesting roles on campus that go unappreciated and I instantly thought about the RAs. They have such an essential role in bringing the campus community together and have been working extremely hard in doing so during the pandemic.
-RAs typically go unnoticed in the span of people who work on campus, so highlighting one of them that works so hard I felt was something that would be appreciated by both the students and other RAs.
-I chose the location and person that I did because even though Shannon is an RA in my hall, I never really have spoken to her before and didn’t know her well at all.
-I shot this on Monday, April 5 because I had a family emergency and had to go home for the previous week.
-I used my phone to shoot the video and InShot to edit.
-I used specific footage that lined up with what she was talking about even though parts of it were vague.
-I felt like this was good practice for me, I usually edit videos that already exist for my work so having experience in shooting video was helpful.
-I feel like if I had more time to do this (if I didn’t have to go home,) it would’ve turned out significantly better, but I still feel pretty happy with it.